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News of the Day


Ok, I’ll stop yelling.

I’m just so excited!

Where do I start?

I feel like I need to make a list so I won’t forget anything. Yes! A list.

  1. I’m back with #13.

  2. I got a book deal.

  3. I went to Campowerment.

  4. I got contacts and glasses.

  5. I will be 45 next week.

Ok! I guess that’s it!

I can stop now, right? Or do you want the deets? Ha. I’m such a tease.

Here’s the scoop on Number 13, ok? I fucked up. He fucked up. WE fucked up…and we fixed it. Plain and simple. Sometimes, you have to fall apart to find your way back together. And boy did we do a good job of falling apart! We fucked that shit up and good. But let me tell you this, when you want something….like really want something- you can’t give up trying. And we just simply wanted each other. We work, so we worked at working it out. Make sense? And my guy, he’s no quitter; he’s used to getting what he wants. Pretty ultra-competitive, the man likes to win. And although I had to do a little persuading, he finally came around.

And boy was I glad.

And thankful.

We both are happy just being where we are, for now. So that is the scoop on Number 13. We were broken up for all of 3 days before I called him and asked him to come over and “please fix my garage keypad because it was broken”. (Btw, it just needed batteries. It was 10 o’clock at night and he lives 40 mins away.) Nice, right? The damsel in distress act gets ’em every time. He was at my door by 10:40, and back in my life by 11:00. Ok, maybe it took a little longer to get our shit together…but it only took that night. Oh, and we had the best make-up-sex EVER.

I just love the fuck outta the boy; I am one lucky girl.

I hope he knows how happy he makes me.

Anywhoo! So, that was that. And then, that weekend was Campowerment, with all my people. Only my most favourite place on Earth! This magical place that I go to reignite my soul. But, this time, unfortunately, my trip was overshadowed by news that I got only 24 hours before I left for the airport. To be honest, I should’ve cancelled. I knew before I left, I was going to struggle to concentrate on being present at Camp. I was too excited! And I was so right, dammit. When I arrived, I tried so hard to stay in the moment. But my head wasn’t there, my mind was back in Charlotte with the news I had received only days before. This news that I’d been hoping for….this amazing, exciting, overwhelming news that had finally come was completely consuming every ounce of my being. And I couldn’t think of anything that weekend at Campowerment except getting back to Charlotte and STARTING MY NEW JOURNEY! (But I loved spending time with my best friends. I loved sharing my news with them first; it was so special. And I love them all.)

So are you sitting down?

I got a book deal! 

The day before I left I got an offer to sign with Warren Publishing. Yes, I did. After all this time, I actually got a legit book deal. OMG! So, you can only imagine how crazed I was to get the ball rolling! I had to talk to my attorney, my editor…set up meetings. Call my publicist. Talk to my friends and family. Start my marketing! But I was on the way to Camp Indian Head in the Poconos with no internet access or iPhone coverage. I was freaking out.  My head was spinning. Now, don’t get me wrong! I was always planning on self-publishing, which is still an amazing accomplishment. My book was going to be coming out in October, but having a publisher is different. It just adds a bit more “clout”; makes it a little more “legit” when you go on Amazon, or into Barnes and Nobel. When I go into a bookstore and they ask me,”Who is your publisher?” I can say,”Warren Publishing.” (Instead of saying I’m self-published.) That’s all. And it’s kinda cool.

It’s really cool.

I’m proud and overwhelmed with emotions. All of which I’m trying to contain so this blog doesn’t get too long, or too sappy. I feel like I should thank everyone from my kindergarten teacher Ms O’Connell for teaching me how to hold a pencil…to Jonah for showing me how to make a “blog” on three years ago. And everyone in between, where would I be without you all?

So, that’s numbers 1,2 and 3. As for #4, getting contacts and glasses I had to because I can’t see shit at forty-five years old. Which brings us to #5, me turning 45. Look how I did that! My 45th Birthday is next week and I’m pretty damn sure it will throw me over the edge. But I’m spending it with Number 13 so maybe I’ll hang out until the festivities are over. I mean what if he plans something really big, or gets me a new pair of Metcons? And look at all the good stuff I’ve got going this year! Maybe turning forty-five won’t be so bad after all.

And the BEST birthday present of all you ask? Well, that’s easy! If each of you would give me a KICK ASS REVIEW on Amazon for my book. It drops November 1st: One Happy Divorce- Hold the Bullshit! Buy it, read it and review it. Thank you, guys. From the bottom of my heart. Happy Birthday to ME! 😉

xo j


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