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New Year, New ME!

The ball has dropped, bitches. The horns have been a blown. Balloons popped. Friends puked. Bring on 2018. I have never been so ready for a year in my life.

Ok, so other years not so much. 2015, not a fave. 2009, the fucking worst. And I could give or take 2016. But this year, 2018…bring it on! I am ready, with guns blazing. There is nothing I can’t do. In fact, it’s only a week in, and I’ve already got a plan in action. Stick with me, and I’ll fill you in on a few secrets…

Oh, wait. I’m so rude! I completely forgot to say Happy New Year! Sorry, guys. I was so busy making it all about me, I forgot about you. (Per usual, but it is my blog.) Happy New Year, Y’all. Hope you had the best time celebrating with your people. I did. We had a B for NYE party at Number Thirteen’s house. How fucking cute is that? A Breakfast for Dinner NYE party! Do you get it? Everyone came in there jammies, and we had only breakfast foods! Haha. It was seriously the dang cutest. I mean if I do say so myself, and I just did. We had a waffle bar, spiked-hot chocolate, and I did bowls of dry cereal for apps. And wait for it, Number Thirteen made pj’s with OUR PIX on them. Like all over the pants, there were pictures of us! Like in Bad Mom’s Christmas when KiKi’s Mom made the jammie’s with her face!!! YES!

We watched the ball drop and drank champagne. Blah, blah. You know the drill. New Year’s is so overrated, right? Wrong! It’s like my most favorite night of the year! And I have this crazy-ass superstition, too. I believe that you have to be with the person you plan on spending that upcoming year with, or you are doomed. Yup. Like the relationship won’t work out. So, if you have a boyfriend, and he’s in Guam for example, you’d best get your ass on a plane. You must be together when that clock strikes midnight. Just my thing chicken wings. I am superstitious like that, ok? So it was only perfect that I was right next to Number Thirteen to give him a smooch.

We will be ok in 2018.

So, I have BIG things going on this year, peeps. Big shit. Huge crap. I’m busyAF and like I said up in paragraph one…2018 is already in full swing. Two weeks in and my One Happy Divorce Book Tour is making its way around the Tar Heel State. I’m headed up north (not Michigan Up North) to Davidson at the end of January. And my publicist Arden McLaughlin is working on a little jaunt to Chapel Hill and then Raleigh. Then we will hop state lines, and it’s over to Atlanta where I won my award! And then in May…the BIG D! Yes, I’m going home to Detroit the first weekend in May to give my hometown some well-deserved love. How good has Detriot been to me? My heart and soul. I can not wait! I’ll be at Pages Bookshop downtown, come and see me!

Signing books and getting my message out.

Oh, my message. Yes, I have a message!

For 2018 I’ll be Truth Hurvitz-ing all around the nation! I will have a brand-spanking’ new BLOG with lots of fancy new things to play with and see. A podcast, maybe…and I will be spreading the message that DIVORCE CAN BE HAPPY! Ummm. Ya, there is such thing as a HAPPY DIVORCE! So many people have reached out to me, asking for advice after reading my book. Calls, emails, and texts saying how they only wished they had the book during their separations. And honestly, I wish I had my book, too! I made SO many mistakes along the way, which is I why I wrote the book in the first place!

So, follow my journey by subscribing to my new blog. Like my Facebook page, and follow me on Instagram. I’ll be posting tips on how to get along with your ex, tidbits on how to communicate and even hook you up with meditation specialists and health and wellness gurus! So cool, right? The Truth Hurvitz (oh, that’s me) is here for YOU in 2018.

Wow. That’s a new, huh? This whole thing is about you and not about ME? How unselfish am I? Fanfucking-tastic! Happy New Year, everyone! 😉

xo j

One Happy Divorce-Hold the Bulls#!t is now available on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere! Jennifer Hurvitz Weintraub can also be found on FacebookInstagramTwitter and BLUNTMom


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