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Make Someone Happy

I went in to buy a bracelet.

Or a new necklace.

Maybe a pair of earrings?

Shit, I’m lying..

I went in to get something to wear for a party I have this weekend, ok?

Whatever, I went into the store today to shop; I never expected anything like this to happen.

I was walking around the table covered with the prettiest, shiniest things…circling it like a shark. Waiting for something to jump out at me so I could snatch it up! When all of a sudden the most lovely little thing said,”Can I help you find something today?” She was quiet, and demure. The complete opposite of me. Slight in frame, soft-ish. As I looked up, I was actually taken aback by her beauty. I paused, and said,”Actually, I’m looking for a new winter Chan Luu.” She started showing me all kinds of baubles and trinkets none of which were my style, but I didn’t care…I was watching her. I noticed she looked off.

She looked sad.

No, not sad. It was something else. Her face was fake-happy, but it was her eyes. Her eyes were so well, sad. Distant. I didn’t say anything, but continued following her around acting interested in the shit she was holding. We were alone in the store, she took me from section to section. And then out of nowhere…she stopped and asked,”What do you do, you seem so excited. So happy.” I replied,”I am so excited, I just got off the air. I was on TV this morning for my new book!” She asked me what it was called, the details…and I told her. She listened intently. Quietly. And I noticed as I was going on, she lost her fake-smile. Her eyes started filling with tears. I stopped talking, and reached out for her hands.

And she let me take them. 

I just held her hands and I said,”It will all be ok.” I reached into my bag and pulled out a copy of my book. (Yes, I always have one one me.) She shook her head, as if she just couldn’t. I insisted. I told her it was meant to be that I walked in that door today, and hopefully reading my book would help her. She has one daughter, a toddler. Her ex blames her for ruining his life; they are high school sweethearts. I have heard it all, nothing surprises me. She clutched the book to her chest, and smiled the biggest smile. She commented on how it felt so smooth. The cover, the title. We laughed, and chatted. She asked me all kinds of questions…and I answered every single one. I told her all of my biggest mistakes. She asked me if I would ever get married again…

I told her if I did, I’d come back for an outfit for the honeymoon.

Then, I made her promise that she wouldn’t even think about dating for the next year. That I’d be back to check on her, and she’d best be living life for HER. Loving that kid, and finding her smile again. She hugged me so tightly; we laughed over the whole meeting. I mean, it lasted all of twenty minutes, but I’ll remember it for as long as I live. And I think she will, too. As I turned to leave she was smiling, laughing…and she yelled out the door,”Jennifer, I’m starting it on my lunch break!” Cutie. 

So, here’s the thing. I didn’t write One Happy Divorce to make money, or to prove something to the assholes who said I couldn’t do it…I wrote it to help people. And today, I did. I actually saw a lost, hurting woman begin to look hopeful. Right in front of my eyes. And while I’m thankful for the 1200+ books I’ve sold, the one I gave away this morning was worth all it’s weight in gold.

Hmmm, what does that mean anyhoo? Worth it’s weight in gold? Like it means a whole lot? Why the fuck don’t I just say that then? Yeesh. I’m just thrilled to help no matter what metal it is. Gold, silver…rose gold. Chan Luu. 😉 

xo j

One Happy Divorce-Hold the Bulls#!t is now available on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere! Jennifer Hurvitz Weintraub can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and BLUNTMoms.


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