Dr. Joe Kort is a leading expert on sex and relationships. He is author of 4 books on male sexuality and fluidity. He specializes in Out-of-Control Sexual Behaviors (OCSB)/”sex addiction”, Relationship Problems and Marital Conflict, Sex Therapy, and Sexual Identity Concerns, Depression, Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Today we’re chatting about:
Is porn destroying relationships?
The issues with porn and vibrators.
Implicit versus explicit contracts in a relationship.
Having empathy for your partner’s erotic interests.
Connect with Dr. Joe Kort:
Website: JoeKort.com
Twitter: twitter.com/drjoekort
His podcast: https://smartsexsmartlove.com/
Get a copy of Jen’s book, “Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda: A Divorce Coach’s Guide to Staying Married” here.