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Connect More

I am supposed to connect.

Oh, like with you.

Ya know, make a connection.

Once or twice a week.

Let me explain because even I’m confused by my thoughts. I am going to be writing more often here on The Truth Hurvitz! Isn’t that just so exciting? (That’s rhetorical.) I guess it is for those of you who miss my ranting about nothing.

Would I say it’s the greatest news of all time? Maybe not so much…but I am still going to be doing it. (Blogging that is.) Once or twice a week.

So that we can connect. 


What does that mean exactly? If I was to define the word “connection” in my own words, it would be like a relationship in which a person or people hook up with something or someone else. Yeah! (Am I close? I am so close.)

The real definition of a “connection” is, “A relationship in which a person, thing or idea is linked or associated with something else”.  Whalllah! I was like basically spot on. So making a connection is what I’m going to do and I am doing.

What’s my point?

Well, here it is. I have this Virtual Assistant, ok? And she is running my life. Oh, it’s ok! I am totally good with it! She literally sends me lists of what I’m supposed to do when I’m supposed to do them…and I just do everything she says. I shit you not if she told me to run naked through a grocery store I might. This woman is the best thing that has happened to my business and my life. I have made some HUGE mistakes since my book dropped last fall (money flushed down the toilet). But hiring this woman was the one thing I’ve done right.

Ummm, the only thing I’ve done right.

Ok, that’s not entirely true. I hired an awesome Web Designer. Look at my website, it’s fucking out of control. I mean, it’s so gorgeous; with all kinds of bells and whistles! I feel like a big shot. Even if I’m not. And I have an outstanding publisher and a kick-ass editor. They have done so much for my book and psyche. Thanks, gals!

I have made some really good connections here in Charlotte. Oh, and what about the people I have connected with out of town? I have a business coach on the East Coast that is helping me get my shit together, which is where I found my VA! And how can I forget my life coach in New Jersey? And my podcast production company that got me off to a fantastic start out in Baltimore! Thank you, Guys!

Holy shit. I think I need a list: my webmaster, biz coach, life coach, publisher, editors, producers and a virtual assistant? Talk about making connections! I can’t even believe the team I have behind me. It really is all about who you know and how you know them. #support

It’s important to keep connecting and to keep those connections strong when you finally find the good ones. The best ones. Those that you think might last, make formidable bonds. Create lasting friendships or loving relationships…human connection is imperative.

So, when my VA says to “connect” with my peeps, then (gosh darn it) I’m going to be connecting! (And honestly, I really miss it.) I used to have so much more time to write here. Now life just gets in the way of life.

But Y’all have to do me a favor, ok?

Connect with me. Reach out and comment on my blogs. Tell me what you are thinking, feeling…what you’d like to talk about. I have this Podcast now, Doing Divorce Right which isn’t all about divorce. (It’s totally not!) It is really about life and relationships. Love and losing love; dating and divorce. Sex and lack thereof. It’s funny, raw and real. So, as I’m connecting with you…

Connect back.

Who knows you might even make a connection by connecting. 😉

xo j


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