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#9 – Is There a Link Between Sex and Happiness? with Sexologist Randi Levinson

Is there a link between sex and happiness?

Does having MORE sex with your partner mean you are guaranteed a more loving marriage?

If you are having “intimacy” issues in your marriage, does that mean you’re doomed for failure?

I LOVE this topic!

And I am thrilled about this conversation with the brilliant, Randi Levinson. Randi is a Couples Therapist and Certified Clinical Sexologist. She helps couples find a deeper, more meaningful connection; better communication, and better more fulfilling sexual experiences. Randi considers herself to be beyond lucky to have studied with the best therapists in the world. She has been trained by Esther Perel, author of Mating in Captivity and The State of Affairs. Ester Perel is one of the many therapists that has given Randi invaluable guidance in her work with couples.

We will discuss how aging, loss of desire, loss of desire for your partner, resentment build up, disconnecting fights, contempt, boredom, defensiveness, stonewalling, and criticism play into how we move away or ‘grow apart’ from our partners. All this and more, today on Doing Relationships Right.


  1. The importance of seeing a Sexologist before Marriage

  2. Embarrassment over Sexual Issues

  3. Importance of Communication During Sex

  4. Is Masturbation Important?

  5. Is Porn Addicting?

  6. Is there a Link between SEX and Happiness?

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[7:10] Embarrassment over sex priority and incompatibility in sex desire

[11:37] The importance of communication in sex

[14:57] Check out this great parenting tool: Soberlink (

[17:19] Put your spouse first

[18:00] Exercise your vulva and sex toys

[23:33] Evolutionarily speaking, women can find pleasure whenever she wants to

[25:29] How much sex can sustain a happy marriage?

[27:23] Stop and turn towards your partner instead of the other way around

[29:15] Where can you find Randi?



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